Friday, February 19, 2010

I was with my mom at some sort of medical building. There was a man in a wheelchair, a doctor, a couple other people. Can't remember why I was there, but I had to get a shot that went into my ear, a really long needle. The doctor who was in the wheelchair administered it, and was standing on his wheel chair when he did it.

I wish I could remember more of these things lately....

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Alien Ships, Oceans, Wizards, and Newbie Vampires

2 rolled into one, forgot to post, so these are super choppy now.

first one was in an ocean/beach area. There was a cottage/older building. Outside was this spaceship/airship type vehicle. There were platforms around it, attached to it, black, with "runes"/pathways in glowing orange/purples. Once you jumped on them they would move/do w/e they were supposed to do.

Then there was an ocean part, beautiful salt water fish, but then came a huge wave...the colors were muted but bright.. sundown time.. muted/sienna oranges, pewter blues.. pretty but I remember the feeling of uneasiness, uncertainty and fear... black cloaked figures (again) on the beach...

second dream had something to do with being a new vampire and not knowing the rules/how to feed. I had to be shown everything, I remember feeling like it was a chore and it wasn't as glorified as I thought it would have been. I was dead after all.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Kielbasa, Witch Brooms and Cheers

The setting was this huge store with really tall ceilings, tall shelves, tiny isles with tons of stuff from toys to steaks. There were a ton of halloweeny looking things, and lights to a weird sort of christmas theme..

It started off pretty harmless. I was flying around on a broom I think, like a witch, fairly successfully, too, unlike most dreams I have. I went high, came down quick, used my foot to pivot/break on the wall, then speed off again. It was kind of fun.

A few of my recognizable friends were there. One girl was talking with a guy I liked, and I got jealous so went off somewhere. I bumped into an old friend. I was carrying a steak at this point, or kielbasa, and when we were walking to the check out she told me to steal something and I told her "I'm really no good at stealing" so nothing came of it. She was buying everything with her dad's credit card, at this point it felt more like a class field trip than me just bumping into some people at the store. The check out took longer than expected, the employees seemed really odd. Our cashier was too busy cutting open some sort of break saying "Fuck you, fuck you" every cut, as if it were a tradition to do so. Green and reds came out of the bread, like some sort of spinach filling. I forget why but I took my kielbasa and ran to the back room.

It was dark with just a bit of lighting in the center. As I walked around the corner I saw this black guy, looked like the ex-cop in Human Target, and I tried to quickly turn around before he saw me, but it was too late. He said something cop-ish, I fell and landed cheek first onto my kielbasa and I said 'I already paid for this!' So I rushed out and he said I can make you go away or something. And I hesitated, "What do you mean?" "To Jail." I left quickly.

It was storming outside of the building, and it was night. I couldn't see where the bus was until a couple seconds later; it was leaving without me. I ran over to it, leaping, and as it drove off I missed grabbing the back of it and flew off into the grassy ditch. At this point the bus was on the other side of the curb. I made a determined face, and grabbed the grass and leaped/pushed myself off the ground, up the ditch. At the top there were these dogs, Dobermans or Rottweilers, one bit the back of my left hand and tore away a chunk of flesh, but I didn't care, I just wanted to get on the bus.

Then something happened - it flashbacked to the inside of the store, everyone was lined up to the doorways out, and it was a birds eye view. It was sort of sad, like we had all lost/failed/died and this was some sort of montage looking back at us. The hallway we were in had these white columns with trim at the top, dark cream paint with red accents.. it was a thin, narrow hallway, the sliding doors to get out in front of us. We were doing some sort of dance/song - it seemed choreographed like something you would see at the end of Step It Up or w/e those dance/cheerleader movies are.

That's all I remember

Thursday, February 4, 2010

I've forgotten most of this one.. but I do remember I'm traveling with Conan O'Brien in long draped clothing/capes, dark black/grey... we're walking down this sidewalk at night, to the right of us is this large metal gate with shrubs in front of it. Conan's ahead of me when I see this hand come through the posts of the gate. It was dark green, almost like a vine color, similar in texture too - as if vine wrapped and curled up to form a hand. Behind the gate I saw red glowing eyes and a skeletal looking face with a vine texture as well. We ended up fighting it somehow and were now on a rooftop with it. Small seeds were attached all over the body, they looked like marijuana seeds.

It morphs into some store with wood floors, my coworker... blue paint? It pretty much gets fuzzy here; some sort of box and a guy, I think I was directing him somewhere. Raining outside... The "store" had pretty much no walls. It was on the corner of a city street, the "walls" that faced the streets weren't there/the kind you lift up like a garage door... yellows for the wood... greys everywhere else.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Video Game Themes, Family and Waking Up Scared

There was a section of the dream, similar to a video game. At some point there was a group, a family maybe (father, mother, son) who were traveling from FL to PA to some "amusement park". I was in and out of the dream in respects to the point of view. But - the group would travel through these different rooms, "zombies"/monsters everywhere. And every one had these different abilities. The person I was closest to/shared the point of view with, could control the monsters/zombies. It was more like they would become dazed for a bit, so you would have to move quickly. At some points they would get separated and have to travel through rooms with "humans" on it, a "test" room to see their skills up to this point and to try and get them to mess up or have a "game over".

Towards the end of the "game" there was a test room similar to that of a Chili's booth - my father became the dad, my mom the mom. We had to order correctly/not complain.. not too sure. But the waitress was annoyed we weren't messing up. It jumped to a map view of the states to show we were in PA now.. and driving around kind of recklessly. Some reason was compelling us to stay in PA and not return home.

It morphed back to the other family. The little boy was upset. He had two red horns, similar to horns you would think a devil would have, protruding out of his back/shoulder blades. He was upset because his head hurt from learning too much about himself/his abilities. Everyone was trying to choke one another/kill one another.

The dream morphed again..
I was traveling down this long hallway placed outside. It was more like a deck/wooden bridge with these large gate-like walls. They had large planks of wood with metal on the bottom. The hallway was over a body of water. As I was moving through the hallway, the walls were closing and blocking me off. I hung out from the side, through the gate-walls to see if I could climb/strafe the side so I could bypass the closed off area. When I looked down into the water I could see these muddy/bloody footprints forming like something was chasing me. The water began to bubble. I decided to go for it, and the water started rising, and bubbling faster. I was trying to get as far as I could and I noticed the wate was actually boiling, it was trying to kill me by boiling me alive. I eventually got to the end by grappling the top of the gate-walls, and pulling myself across it to the end. I dropped down this stairway at the end of the hall, fully submerged in water, to the "save point" or end of the "game".

It morphed to me inside a house, "my house", and I woke up to see two figures with their faces pressed against a glass sliding door, arms coming through the crack. It freaked me out but it was just my mom and dad? trying to wake me up - my grandmother was on the phone. They wanted me to talk to her but I was too exhausted and couldn't muster the energy to speak; I just wanted to go back to sleep. Then they began to talk about some parade/carnival and me performing in it, with these huge stilted blowup things, the kind you see outside Car Lots but with people inside, and super tall, building height, made of different ornate fabrics.

Then I woke up.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Trees, Metal Rod Rocks, and Custode

A dream, really, rather than a nightmare but there were some vivid memories. A forest leading to a small cup of land, tall though, with a cluster of tree in it, floating in the middle of a shallow lake. Looked almost like a small/skinny banyan tree. The edges were breaking off as I stood on the roots and hung on to the branches. I safely dropped into the inch deep water to walk away with the party I was with.

Walking up a mountain side, a narrow path surrounded by two fairly large rock walls that eventually transitioned into fake rocks made of metal. There were trucks at the end of the path, unloading heavy, curled rod, shaped into boulders were welded/molded further to look like rock. Passed the trucks, I walked to the top of a balcony with a large set of stairs leading down. It was very neutral in color (greys, green greys, grey browns, etc) but well lit with a warm feeling. I was late for figure class. We were studying acrylic painting with lighting. I hat to run downstairs to get the rest of my supplies, and get back to my place. Custode was there, and Bethany was asked to give a demo of how she paints figures. 'Simple shapes, not too small, not too big, an average size on your paper.'