Sunday, March 14, 2010

Creepy spiders, suits, and battle royals?

it started before this but this is what I remember from... (feels like an anime, dream)

I was with a group of people and we were all in these suits - like.. futuristic military suits, black and tight with dark dark purple on them too? We had weapons, guns I think. We were outside on this old tennis court that was eroding and covered in dirt. You could barely tell what it was and it was just a small piece of the center of it, really. There were bugs, really creepy ones. some weird fuzzy bright ass yellow spider (hate spiders) attacked some small animal and killed it with it's fangs and jumped away with it. There was water around us, and trees, almost like being in a jungle. Lots of dirt and roots on the ground too.

Some of the people I was with got hurt I think and then when you looked up close... think of really tiny naked women with large breasts (from the ankles up) as a head and neck area in these suits. That's what people were - the 'fighters' were.

Something happened at the court and we headed back to 'base'. When I got there we had to do these check ups and analyze things we found. I found this 'old' computer piece that said HP on it. (it would be futuristic to us, but was old to me in the dream... almost ancient) and I had it in a ziplock/plastic bag filled with what looked like some white/greyish sand. The scientist I gave it to said we couldn't scan the whole thing, that it was too big. So we had to separate the pieces, and that's when I saw the HP thing.

Then he had to analyze my test. While I waited there was some get-together down in the lobby area where people were dancing/partying but fighting at the same time. They would go after weak people and 'knock them out' like a tournament. I was standing at this bar area, leaning against it, 'looking cool and unapproachable'. Some girl came up behind me and was dancing really close and asked if I minded, but she was being creepy about it. So I elbowed her and she fell back. I ended up 'beating up' a chunk of other people before that, too, with single blows.

The scientist (who looked like andy from Conan at this point) told me my test results were back and that I should see them right away. I hurried my way through the crowd, up these open stairs filled with people in weird outfits (future crap) and got to the machine. He let me read the report and it said something "cutesy" about being ok. The only bad part was about being a smoker but it didn't seem to have any importance.

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