Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Zombies, automatic doors, leg rides?

Can't remember a good chunk of it, but...

There was a wall with a large long glass window with two doors on either side. The kind of doors where it's a light wood frame and a glass window for the majority of the door (like Penny Arcade's office.) Both doors had those keypad locks, the ones above the doorknob. On the other side of the large glass window was a herd of zombies.

Some people, friends I can't remember who, were getting mauled by them, and the doors were open. They started coming towards the doors, but they did some sort of auto-lock thing.. and the zombies stopped being interested and slowly started walking in the other direction. Then the doors opened from a malfunction, I assumed, and the zombies noticed and resumed coming towards us.

I fell backwards as I tried to close the doors again but a zombie had already come through the door...

Then I grabbed onto it's leg and it gave me a 'ride' as if I were a kid...

That's all I can remember!

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